Falaha’s Journey Free Kindle Download

This week (November 24 & 25) I’m offering the first volume (a complete novel, no cliffhanger) of my Falaha’s Journey serial from the OS Universe series as a FREE download on Amazon. More links below.

This baby!

A young girl with ambi­tion.
A des­per­ate man on a mis­sion.
An ancient enemy set to wipe out their entire race.

When a seem­ingly sim­ple space res­cue mis­sion turns into a night­mare, Falaha, a Danna Com­man­der Trainee with a power she can’t use prop­erly yet, has her skills put to the ulti­mate test as her world begins to col­lapse, throw­ing her to the cen­ter of the con­flict that might wipe out her entire race.

The Danna are a species of humanoid aliens who share the Milky Way with human­ity. Unlike humans, they have been around for at least three bil­lion years and are the old­est species in the Galaxy. Born with an alien arti­fact in their blood, they pos­sess abil­i­ties sur­pass­ing any­thing any liv­ing crea­ture can dream of. How­ever, both their superb space tech­nol­ogy and their unusual blood legacy have attracted dan­ger no one expected. Aban­don­ing their home Galaxy, the remain­ing pop­u­la­tion sets out in secrecy to their last resort, Kan Diona, the place to wit­ness their vic­tory or to become their grave.

FALAHA’S JOURNEY is a vivid tale of alien species, races, and cul­tures, a fam­ily saga span­ning mul­ti­ple gen­er­a­tions and extend­ing across the Uni­verse, a tale of iden­tity, explo­ration, and self-discovery amidst a dev­as­tat­ing strug­gle for sur­vival, and a love story that touches the stars.

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Of Plots and Pants

I write my novels in bursts. Writing N words every day is a mantra that doesn’t work for me. I must visualize the whole chapter at once (or at least get an aha! moment for a certain scene) before I can write even a single sentence of it. That requires days of brewing the story in my head. Sometimes those chapters get written in several steps or parts depending on their size. A 2k chapter is usually done in one go in a single day or two. A 5k chapter can take a week or two, because I return to it over and over and add stuff (some research required). Things happen to get added a month later.

I have finished the first part of my WIP (12 chapter totaling in 31k) and I can say that outlining doesn’t work for this story either. Sure, I wrote quite a detailed outline for the whole thing (100k planned) and after slowly going through the first 12 chapter I can safely say that this outline is for some other novel I’m not currently writing. So I scrapped it and now I’m just going forward with a vague idea of the outcome of the whole thing. Which makes it more interesting to work on — I get surprised, I let the characters freely drive the plot and the inner logic of the world starts to dictate things well. At this point I don’t know what an ending scene would look like (I don’t even know what the next two parts will be like), I just want to get there organically. But I do know that there will be an epilogue with a scene from the far future, I just have to pick the right place in time for it; I have several candidates for that one, none of which make any thematic sense now, since I don’t know the first ending yet.

I admit that I’m moving at a snail’s pace here, but this story requires slow development. I’ll probably consume a whole crate of red wine to celebrate after I’m done with it. 😀

What are your writing habits and methods? How do you get the job done?

A 8000-year-old raised bog of Ķemeri

I haven’t been doing a lot of traveling lately, but occasionally I go on small road trips across my country. There are plenty of things to see and today I made my way to a special place for a walk. I had luck with the weather, though it was rather windy.

There’s a ~3.7 km long footbridge through a small part of the mossy great bog landscape, twisting between small pines and tricky pools of clear but deep water. Unfortunately I haven’t encountered any local fauna save for a lonely duck asking for some bread from occasional tourists, though the bog is famous for its assortment of birds and plants, and only on my way back I managed to see a massive flock of wild geese or something from afar.

The marsh is not far from the sea shore (if driving), so that’s a bonus.












Giveaway Fun: Enter To Win A Copy of Falaha’s Journey

This autumn I’m doing a book give­away on Goodreads. This is my first such event and I have three copies to give away this time. Enter this give­away by November 6th and share with friends for their chance to win a paper­back of my sci­ence fic­tion ser­ial novel, Falaha’s Jour­ney: A Spacegirl’s Account in Three Move­ments, the first vol­ume in Falaha’s Jour­ney series. Sign up at the bottom of this post. The copy you’ll be get­ting has this blue cover:

Alternative Cover Version (Smashwords / B&N / iTunes / etc.)

A young girl with ambi­tion.
A des­per­ate man on a mis­sion.
An ancient enemy set to wipe out their entire race.

When a seem­ingly sim­ple space res­cue mis­sion turns into a night­mare, Falaha, a Danna Com­man­der Trainee with a power she can’t use prop­erly yet, has her skills put to the ulti­mate test as her world begins to col­lapse, throw­ing her to the cen­ter of the con­flict that might wipe out her entire race.

The Danna are a species of humanoid aliens who share the Milky Way with human­ity. Unlike humans, they have been around for at least three bil­lion years and are the old­est species in the Galaxy. Born with an alien arti­fact in their blood, they pos­sess abil­i­ties sur­pass­ing any­thing any liv­ing crea­ture can dream of. How­ever, both their superb space tech­nol­ogy and their unusual blood legacy have attracted dan­ger no one expected. Aban­don­ing their home Galaxy, the remain­ing pop­u­la­tion sets out in secrecy to their last resort, Kan Diona, the place to wit­ness their vic­tory or to become their grave.

FALAHA’S JOURNEY is a vivid tale of alien species, races, and cul­tures, a fam­ily saga span­ning mul­ti­ple gen­er­a­tions and extend­ing across the Uni­verse, a tale of iden­tity, explo­ration, and self-discovery amidst a dev­as­tat­ing strug­gle for sur­vival, and a love story that touches the stars.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Falaha's Journey by Jeno Marz

Falaha's Journey

by Jeno Marz

Giveaway ends November 06, 2015.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway