Wrestling With Scrivener

After nearly two decades of being a MS Word power user I finally decided to invest into Scrivener. I have to say I’m actually horrified at the amount of things I have to learn (according to the manual) to become prolific in this thing, but oh well, shiny coin already spent. I don’t know if I’m going to regret my decision, because I didn’t do it before I started my new book. I don’t find the experience of moving to a new software fun and not because I hate learning new things. Even this simple task of importing text threw me out of my comfort zone. 😀 Anyway, here I am, in the middle of transferring my manuscript. Good it is only some 70k. I’m actually thinking of doing the same with my previous books, just to keep them all in one place.

I feel like a damn newb. >_<
I feel like a damn newb.

This whole affair will definitely slow me down from my writing, but no more than 800 hours of playing Skyrim did. And this game introduced me to the hell of a simulation sickness before my suffering was mitigated enough and I could enjoy it. 😀


So, yeah, Scrivener, challenge accepted.

Jeno Marz
JENO MARZ is a science fiction writer from Latvia, Northern Europe, with background in electronics engineering and computer science. She is the author of two serial novels, Falaha’s Journey: A Spacegirl’s Account in Three Movements and Falaha’s Journey into Pleasure. Marz is current at work on a new SF trilogy. All her fiction is aimed at an adult audience.


  1. I love Scrivener, and with the copious amount of notes you take and research you compile, I’m sure you’ll find a lot of use in its various features. The corkboard is my FAVORITE for fleshing out a scene and playing around with the structure of a story. 🙂

    1. I’m fairly simple with my writing, doing one chapter (or a scene within the chapter) at a time. Mostly in a linear fashion, even if the story itself is not always so. It’s just how my mind works and I found it easy writing in MS Word. I wrote two LONG books like this.

      I don’t put research into Scrivener actually, now when I’m fairly familiar with it. I still prefer separate files and file folders of the computer file/folder system to structure my library and work. I’m just used to doing things like this. I just know what to back up and where then, without a BIG batch of files to export every time I update something.

      I still don’t know if I ever get used to Scrivener though. I’m not particularly fond of extra tools besides actual open blank page. 😀

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